Sunday, January 9, 2011

IT'S A BOY!!!!!!

Clyff and I went to Utah Valley Ultrasound and paid for gender check ultrasound because we just couldn't wait! We found out its a boy!!! His name is Rykker Allen, both clyff and I are super excited. The video above is our baby at 16 weeks and 3 days.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

16 weeks! (Not our ultrasound pic, one I found on the net)

I am officially sixteen weeks pregnant today! We have our anatomy ultrasound scheduled for Jan. 26th, so excited to find out what we will be having. Clyff wants a boy, I want a girl, but of course we will both be happy with either sex, all we want is a healthy baby. Here is what is happening this week in terms of development
  • Your baby is about 4 to 5 inches long — about the length of a large pear.
  • Your baby's skeletal and nervous systems connect enough to allow him to coordinate movement.
  • When you're 16 weeks pregnant, developed facial muscles make it possible for your baby to squint, frown, or try other facial expressions.
  • As back muscles strengthen, your baby is able to straighten his posture a little.
  • Your baby now has eyelashes.
  • By your 16th week of pregnancy, your baby's eyes move side-to-side and even perceive some light, although his eyelids are still sealed.
  • Your baby's bones build and strengthen with the help of your body's calcium!
  • Your baby already might be having tiny hiccups, although when you’re 16 weeks pregnant, your baby is not large enough for you to feel them yet!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Events, New Blog

Since everything in our life has changed drastically over the last few months, Clyff and I thought it would be fun to make a little blog to keep everyone updated on our lifes. To start things off Clyff and I eloped to Vegas on Sept. 29th, 2010 after a few short months of dating. I'm sure this shocked all of our family and friends, because most didn't even know I was dating someone! A few weeks later we found out that I was pregnant talk about a shocker, we are pretty excited and are expecting our first baby on June 19th, 2011. We had a little reception on Nov. 6th . Anyways, we are hoping to keep this updated pretty regulary as we progress in this pregnancy and our first year of marriage!